Tag: Greek

Sermon: “Ask Magdalene” The Call of of Elizabeth Schrader

Listen or watch this service here Scripture: John 11:1-45 The Raising of Lazarus In 2010, a singer-song writer named Elizabeth or Libbie Schrader went to her favorite place to meditate and pray. Her spot is a cemetery in Brooklyn, dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. At the time, Libbie was a lapsed Episcopalian Christian, … Continue reading Sermon: “Ask Magdalene” The Call of of Elizabeth Schrader

Messy Church – An Exploration of Communion

Messy Church January 29 2023 – An Exploration of Holy Communion Full service outline. Little Current United Church Pastoral Charge www. littlecurrent-sheguiandah-unitedchurch .org Box 254, Little Current ON P0P 1K0   368-2941 Minister: Rev. Whitney Bruno            Music Ministry: Judith Mosher, Ruth McDonald & Choir ** an invitation to stand in body or spirit in the … Continue reading Messy Church – An Exploration of Communion

Puzzle Me This! July 26th 2020

July 26th, 2020 Younger Saints: Pearls & Treasure Hymn for today: Where Your Treasure Is, Your Your Heart Shall Be Listen to the below here. Announcements - Be here next week for our service with communion. Remember we are under a state-wide mask mandate and please be safe. Reach out if you need help getting … Continue reading Puzzle Me This! July 26th 2020

Call to Worship: Christ in All

Based on Colossians 3:10-11 One: There is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised. Many: There is no longer a separation between Christian and un-Christian; saved and unsaved. One: There is no longer barbarian, Scythian, slave, and free. Many: There is no longer citizen and foreigner, legal and illegal people. One: There is but … Continue reading Call to Worship: Christ in All

Teeched in the Head – Pentecost

John 15:26-27:16:4b-15  Acts 2:1-21 Jesus promises his disciples the Advocate, someone to argue in our favor and speak council to us. It will be a Spirit of Truth that comes from God and will testify, speak, words on Jesus' behalf. This Spirit will guide us into Truth. But when the Advocate came, after Jesus was … Continue reading Teeched in the Head – Pentecost

Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone

1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46   Love a dead person? Worried they might be being tortured for their sins? Set those rests aside! Buy an Indulgence today! Only $5! Tired of bad things happening to you? Buy an Indulgence today and get right with God! Piece of mind is priceless, right? Planning a sin? Never … Continue reading Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone

What Anticipation!

Matthew 21:1-11 Philippians 2:5-11 Roughly translated today, we are cheering: "Praises for the Prince! Anyone who comes in the name of God is a blessing! Let there be praises in heaven!" We are anticipating the new prince, the new rule. We are making a religious statement- God celebrates this person, this Jesus. We are making … Continue reading What Anticipation!

One Thing I Do Know

John 9:1-41 Ephesians 5:8-14 Why do bad things happen? It's something we ask, again and again. And the people of the Bible ask it again and again. And just like we come to different conclusions, so, too, do our mothers and fathers in the faith. The most common conclusion back then, and today, is that … Continue reading One Thing I Do Know