Tag: King

Ascension – Prayer as Witness

YOUNGER SAINTS See the video here What is prayer like? A bit like… calling God up on the phone. You can talk with God just like you talk with other people! See the sermon below here ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Please do send photos for Pentecost next Sunday! Let’s be red for the Spirit together! 2. Please … Continue reading Ascension – Prayer as Witness

Kin-dom of God

John 18:33-37 Revelation 1:4b-8 It is 1925: Secularism and nationalism is on the rise. Fewer people go to church, and more people identify with their country saying things like "America first!" Churches observe national holidays and sing hymns to the country, rather than to God. Many feel jaded... like God is an old notion and … Continue reading Kin-dom of God

What Anticipation!

Matthew 21:1-11 Philippians 2:5-11 Roughly translated today, we are cheering: "Praises for the Prince! Anyone who comes in the name of God is a blessing! Let there be praises in heaven!" We are anticipating the new prince, the new rule. We are making a religious statement- God celebrates this person, this Jesus. We are making … Continue reading What Anticipation!

What Just Happened?

Luke 19:28-40 Philippians 2:5-11 Can you feel it? Something is afoot. It doesn't matter if you are a Trump or a Sanders supporter... either are promising something new. A revolution. To make America great again. Can you feel the energy? The possibility? The people gathering, a new SOMETHING on the horizon! Or maybe you're a … Continue reading What Just Happened?