Tag: rest

Sermon: Commandments for Good Living

A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – Oct. 8, 2023 – Thanksgiving – Exodus 20:1-4,7-20; Commandments for Good Living. God speaks today from the mountain of fire and smoke and lightning - from a volcano! And the voice of God gives the ten words, ten laws, the ten commandments. Elsewhere we have Moses going up … Continue reading Sermon: Commandments for Good Living

Independence Day 2020, Justice & Foreparents

Younger Saints' Message   See this sermon here   ANNOUNCEMENTS - Consistory Meeting Monday, July 13th, 6:30 pm. Outside. Bring masks, a chair, a pen, and prayerful reflections on how and when to worship in person. - Cleaning of the church completed - Communion today - Please check our private facebook page for prayers and … Continue reading Independence Day 2020, Justice & Foreparents

Call to Worship: Pour Out

Based on Luke 18:9-14; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18; Sirach 35:12-17, Mathew 11:28-30 One: Come all who are heavy laden Many: We come with weary burdens, chaining sins, heavy fears, exhausting woes. One: Come and put these burdens down, rest a spell, and pour yourself out before God Many: We come - sinsick, heartsick, soulsick, sick … Continue reading Call to Worship: Pour Out

The Sabbath

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 Mark 2:23-3:6 Very rarely things in the world wear name tags "HELLO MY NAME IS EVIL" and "HELLO MY NAME IS GOOD." Instead, we deal with shades of evil and good and have to decide which is the best. And sometimes, it's just picking between two goods, or two evils. Today, Jesus and … Continue reading The Sabbath

Renewing Strength

Isaiah 40:21-31 Mark 1:29-39 You've all been around chickens - think of a molting chicken, with its bare little behind peeking through downy fluff and its spotty neck and wings that are all broken, and missing, its pinions-- its wing feathers-- are scattered from the barn to the house and back again. I've been told … Continue reading Renewing Strength

Let Me Rest

Matthew 25:1-13  The disciples ask Jesus, What sign are we to watch for – what is the coming of the Kin-dom of Heaven like? And Jesus tells them several chapters about just that. Today, we hear the parable of the 10 bridesmaids, or 10 virgins, 10 young women. It goes like this: The coming of … Continue reading Let Me Rest

I’m Too Busy!

Amos 8:1-12 Luke 10:38-42   Last week, Jesus was approached by a man who had studied scripture, memorized it, and knew all the commentaries. A super well educated man. And that man who knew all the writings asked Jesus - what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus told him he can't just read … Continue reading I’m Too Busy!