Tag: Reign of God

Prayers of the People – God of Many Titles

Father God, we pray to you with joy for our fathers were and are wonderful people. They have been steady in our lives, a rock of solid support, and a constant source of love.  And we dislike calling you father, for our fathers were not there, not loving, or fearful. Mother God, we pray to … Continue reading Prayers of the People – God of Many Titles

Advent Christ Candle Lighting – New Hope

The signs are upon us -- the reign of God is now! We carry the light of Christ out with us in the from of hope for our weary world, love for aching hearts, joy for those who have too many sorrows, and peace for all peoples, creatures, and creation everywhere. extinguish the flame Go … Continue reading Advent Christ Candle Lighting – New Hope

Life Up Your Palms! Palm Sunday

Originally aired on Facebook Live. A branch growing out of a stump. Symbols are likeā€¦ sticky tape. Lent rollers. They pick up meanings the more they roll around. Pretend my lent roller is Jesus. In our reading today, Jesus rolls up to Jerusalem.That's the first symbol - Jerusalem - the place where Heaven and Earth … Continue reading Life Up Your Palms! Palm Sunday

Puzzle Me This! July 26th 2020

July 26th, 2020 Younger Saints: Pearls & Treasure Hymn for today: Where Your Treasure Is, Your Your Heart Shall Be Listen to the below here. Announcements - Be here next week for our service with communion. Remember we are under a state-wide mask mandate and please be safe. Reach out if you need help getting … Continue reading Puzzle Me This! July 26th 2020

Branch Sunday – Come Jesus

Video link of sermon Link to scripture Matthew 21:17 There are 3 big holidays where everyone gets together, packs into Jerusalem, and visits the temple. A time to see family and go shopping, a time to celebrate and tell stories of the past while writing the story of the present. One of them is Passover. … Continue reading Branch Sunday – Come Jesus

Breaking Down the Dividing Wall

Ephesians 2:11-22Ā  Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Let me tell you what's in the news - - Ah. I see winces. You don't want to hear it. It isn't the news you want to hear. It's news about how our nation is being made great again. It's news about non-Citizens suffering wanton abuse from government officials. It's … Continue reading Breaking Down the Dividing Wall

Made for Good Works

John 3:14-21 Ephesians 2:1-10 Paul is writing to the little group of religious refugees in Ephesus. He says, once -- all of you -- including all of us here at Saint Michael's -- were existing in the course of the world, following the 'aeon' or spirit of the air, the gestalt, or the common way … Continue reading Made for Good Works

I Dare You

1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22 Two weeks ago I met with Liberty Union High school Superintendent Todd Osborn. He spoke to our Senior Citizens and myself about LU. With him were some of our seniors. They spoke about how many programs are at LU ā€“ active and social programs, like sports. Quiet and reflective programs, … Continue reading I Dare You