Tag: promises

Poor Abram

I choose to believe in this time, just as in Julian's time, just as in Jesus' time, just as in Abram’s time: God still is present, gathering us up, and loving us.

Offertory Prayer: Lent 2 C

Promise-Keeping God, you are faithful and generous. In Abram's childlessness, you brought him children to begin a nation. In Paul's imprisonment, you inspired him to write letters that encourage us to this day. In Jesus' life and death, you bring us resurrection and citizenship in Heaven with Christ. Generously, we offer these gifts because of … Continue reading Offertory Prayer: Lent 2 C

A Different Spirit

In honor of the baptism of Caleb. Numbers 13:26-33-14:11; 14:22-24 Matthew 28:18-20 The Israelites have traveled and traveled and traveled from Egypt and at long last, have reached the Promised Land... but they find it is already occupied. So they send in 10 spies to check out who is living in this area. In our … Continue reading A Different Spirit

Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Genesis 21:8-21 Romans 6:1b-11 In our first reading, Sarah sins and is cruel to Hagar and Ishmael. Abraham weeps, but complies with his wife and sends Hagar and her baby into the wilderness desert with a bit of water. When their water runs out in the desert, Hagar places her baby under a bush and … Continue reading Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Things Unseen

Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Luke 12:32-40 Our election this season is one of fear. Fear, feelings of persecution, feelings of unheard, feeling misunderstood, feeling marginalized, feeling belittled, feeling silenced. Fear leads it all. Followed by anger, and hate, and more fear. Our African American citizens fear the cops. The cops fear the African Americans. On edge, … Continue reading Things Unseen

Covenant People

Genesis 15:1-18 Luke 13:31-35 Is God trustworthy? Abram doesn't know. God has made him some promises: God promised Abram would have descendants, heirs, and be the father of many. He would be as numerous as dust and own all the land about him... But so far... God hasn't delivered. In fact, Abram's one relative, his … Continue reading Covenant People