Tag: judge

Immigration Manifesto

This turned into a sermon with more of a solid call to action (see sermon: Overwhelmed! 2018). However, I share these thoughts anyways. Not a sermon. Not a prayer. I don't know what it is but some have called it the start of my manifesto on our moral crisis.   Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country … Continue reading Immigration Manifesto


Mark 9:2-92 1 Kings 2:1-12 I think youth groups like 4-H, Boy Scouts, FFA and Girl Scouts are really fantastic. I had an extension agent who took myself and a few other teens one year and she worked with us to learn public speaking. Some of the things she spoke about, and taught us, I … Continue reading Transfigured

Vanities of Vanities

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 Luke 12:13-21 Have you been to an auction? I used to go all the time with my dad. It was our daddy-daughter bonding time. I remember this one auction very well: it took up the entire farmhouse yard, went into the barnyard, and into the two barns AND the house. There … Continue reading Vanities of Vanities

Like Father’s Voice

1 Kings 19:1-15a Galatians 3:23-29 All over the world, in all religions, people seek messages from the Divine to humanity. Where birds fly, how many times a cat licks her paw, meteors and shooting stars; the birth of a boy or girl; the outcome of a war or a sports game. We want to find … Continue reading Like Father’s Voice