Tag: holy

Sacred in the Daily

A REFLECTION – Rev. Whitney Bruno –  – June 6, 2021 – Pent 2 – Communion – 2 Cor. 4:13 – 5:1, Mark 3: 20-35 “Sacred in the Daily” When I approach Communion, I see it as a moment we transcend this moment, this place. I see it as when we step back in time … Continue reading Sacred in the Daily

Peace on Earth

Isaiah 40: 1-11  Mark 1:1-8 A country is invaded by people who have skin a different color than us. They speak a different language. They worship in a different religion. And they declare our land now belongs to a minority living among us. We revolt - we protest - we fight. And they keep sending … Continue reading Peace on Earth

Let Me Rest

Matthew 25:1-13  The disciples ask Jesus, What sign are we to watch for – what is the coming of the Kin-dom of Heaven like? And Jesus tells them several chapters about just that. Today, we hear the parable of the 10 bridesmaids, or 10 virgins, 10 young women. It goes like this: The coming of … Continue reading Let Me Rest