Tag: Farm bill

Immigration Manifesto

This turned into a sermon with more of a solid call to action (see sermon: Overwhelmed! 2018). However, I share these thoughts anyways. Not a sermon. Not a prayer. I don't know what it is but some have called it the start of my manifesto on our moral crisis.   Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country … Continue reading Immigration Manifesto

Teeched in the Head – Pentecost

John 15:26-27:16:4b-15  Acts 2:1-21 Jesus promises his disciples the Advocate, someone to argue in our favor and speak council to us. It will be a Spirit of Truth that comes from God and will testify, speak, words on Jesus' behalf. This Spirit will guide us into Truth. But when the Advocate came, after Jesus was … Continue reading Teeched in the Head – Pentecost