Tag: environmental

Sermon: Commandments for Good Living

A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – Oct. 8, 2023 – Thanksgiving – Exodus 20:1-4,7-20; Commandments for Good Living. God speaks today from the mountain of fire and smoke and lightning - from a volcano! And the voice of God gives the ten words, ten laws, the ten commandments. Elsewhere we have Moses going up … Continue reading Sermon: Commandments for Good Living

Water is Life – Truth and Reconciliation Day

Exodus 17: 1-7 & Matthew 21: 23-32 Last week we heard about the ancient Hebrews learning a new relationship with food. Today, we heard about their relationship with water. Water is life. Our bodies are 50-60% water by weight. We're pretty much water balloons over some bones. Water cushions our joints. Water allows our brains … Continue reading Water is Life – Truth and Reconciliation Day

Service: Orange Shirt Day & Creation

This service is provided in full for those working on their own Orange Shirt Day, Truth and Reconciliation Day services. Please be sure to note I did not write this all. The sources I used are cited below. VU refers to the hymnal Voices United. MV refers to the hymnal More Voices. Listen or watch … Continue reading Service: Orange Shirt Day & Creation

Sermon: Against Common Wisdom

Watch this service on Facebook or on our website Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 and Luke 15:1-10 Let me set the scene for our gospel reading: Jesus is walking, preaching, traveling village to village and wearing holes in his sandals. Tax collectors and sinners – also known as, people working with the enemy and people working against … Continue reading Sermon: Against Common Wisdom

Offertory Prayer: Creation

Generous God, thank you for the gifts of the world: for all of nature. Thank you for the gift of the cosmos: the night sky, and the life-supporting sun. Thank you for the gifts we share today: our time, our resources, our prayers. Let all of us receive and give, and let all of creation … Continue reading Offertory Prayer: Creation

The Shrewdness of the Current Generation

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 and Luke 16:1-13 Listen or watch this service here on Facebook or on our webpage. Our Bible Study group has been reading a book called ‘The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.’ Today’s story from this controversial rabbi is… definitely enigmatic. There is so much we don’t know about this parable! … Continue reading The Shrewdness of the Current Generation

Our House Is On Fire

Listen or watch this service here. Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-11; Luke 14:25-33 began with reading the same named book by Gretta Thunburg for the Learning for All Ages time (children's message) “Our House Is On Fire”        My house is on fire. Okay, not literally. You’re not going to Sheguiandah and see firetrucks at my house … Continue reading Our House Is On Fire

The Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-20  John 6:56-69 I have an issue. I have a fatal disease called life. Someday, it will kill me. Every day, it takes its toll on me and ages me more. Breaks my body down more. And leads me closer to my grave. Whether from TMB, too many birthdays, or another cause, some day, … Continue reading The Whole Armor of God

House & Family

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 Who has authority? Today, I'd say it is religious leaders, the government, and social media.   In Jesus' day, it was the government of Rome, the scribes or religious leaders, and family.   The crowd comes together, loud and noisy. Stinking and ill. They press in on Jesus so tightly … Continue reading House & Family