Tag: Election

Reformation Sunday 2020 – The Truth Sets Us Free

Listen to this service hereClick here to jump to sermon REFORMATION SUNDAY GREETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Food Pantry SundayCommunion Next Sunday & All Saints Sunday. Please give names to Marcia. The UCC will be hosting an online denominational memorial next Sunday evening you can also watch online.Association meeting Saturday 10 to noon on Zoom via your … Continue reading Reformation Sunday 2020 – The Truth Sets Us Free

Things Unseen

Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 Luke 12:32-40 Our election this season is one of fear. Fear, feelings of persecution, feelings of unheard, feeling misunderstood, feeling marginalized, feeling belittled, feeling silenced. Fear leads it all. Followed by anger, and hate, and more fear. Our African American citizens fear the cops. The cops fear the African Americans. On edge, … Continue reading Things Unseen

What Just Happened?

Luke 19:28-40 Philippians 2:5-11 Can you feel it? Something is afoot. It doesn't matter if you are a Trump or a Sanders supporter... either are promising something new. A revolution. To make America great again. Can you feel the energy? The possibility? The people gathering, a new SOMETHING on the horizon! Or maybe you're a … Continue reading What Just Happened?