Tag: Ancient Israel

Sermon: What Do You Care Enough To Protest About?

Scripture Matthew 27:11-54Palm Sunday Watch or listen to this service here. Whenever I read something that seems too good to be true… I presume it is false until proven otherwise. I read this year that the first Palm Sunday had two parades – one a parody of the other – Jesus on a donkey and … Continue reading Sermon: What Do You Care Enough To Protest About?

Sermon: A Dim Light Not Quinched

Isaiah 42:1-9; Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism of the Lord SundayWatch or listen to this service here. (Loading soon) Isaiah's reading takes place in a heavenly court - the wronged party is the Judah kingdom. From Abraham to Moses to now these people have been following God. They built cities, and a temple dedicated to God. … Continue reading Sermon: A Dim Light Not Quinched

Do Not Fear the Grief

Scripture: Isaiah 65: 17-25 and Luke 21:5-19 Listen to this service here A pastor once shared with me that she didn't want to start crying and feeling her grief because she felt like she would drown under the grief. She'd never come back. So she bottled it up, more and more shoved into her heart, … Continue reading Do Not Fear the Grief

Peace on Earth

Isaiah 40: 1-11  Mark 1:1-8 A country is invaded by people who have skin a different color than us. They speak a different language. They worship in a different religion. And they declare our land now belongs to a minority living among us. We revolt - we protest - we fight. And they keep sending … Continue reading Peace on Earth

House Sparrows

1 Kings 8:1, 6, 10-11 Psalm 84 Great big monuments - monuments like the Statue of Liberty, like the Eiffel Tower, like Stonehenge and the Sydney Opera House- all share one big woe... Birds. Sparrows. Like the little house sparrows who like to live in each and every little crevasse they can fit into within our own homes. … Continue reading House Sparrows