Tag: woman

Sermon: “Ask Magdalene” The Call of of Elizabeth Schrader

Listen or watch this service here Scripture: John 11:1-45 The Raising of Lazarus In 2010, a singer-song writer named Elizabeth or Libbie Schrader went to her favorite place to meditate and pray. Her spot is a cemetery in Brooklyn, dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. At the time, Libbie was a lapsed Episcopalian Christian, … Continue reading Sermon: “Ask Magdalene” The Call of of Elizabeth Schrader

God says yes to me

God says yes to me by Kaylin Haught I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic and she said yes I asked her if it was okay to be short and she said it sure is I asked her if I could wear nail polish or not wear nail polish and she said … Continue reading God says yes to me

Lost, Seeking, Found

In the Good News according to Luke, Jesus is leading up to the story of the Prodigal Son... Luke 15:1-10 Our second reading is part of the first letter Paul wrote to Timothy and his church plant... 1 Timothy 1:12-17 We've all been lost. Maybe we're 4 and lost in the grocery store. Or 40 … Continue reading Lost, Seeking, Found