Tag: Uncertainty

A Rainbow of Hope

Genesis 9:8-17 1 Peter 3:18-22 Noah's story is a strange one. I usually hear it in one of two ways. The first way is the cute animal ark story. In this, a zoo of animals ride a boat with little smiling Noah under a rainbow. You see it on nursery walls and stitched on baby … Continue reading A Rainbow of Hope

Why Have You Cast Me Off?

Psalm 43: All Saints Sunday  You are the God in whom I take refuge - why have you cast me off? Why must I walk about mournfully? Oppressed? The Psalmist demands an answer from God. He or she cries out - God - my God - why have you forsaken me? Why is this happening? The … Continue reading Why Have You Cast Me Off?

What Just Happened?

Luke 19:28-40 Philippians 2:5-11 Can you feel it? Something is afoot. It doesn't matter if you are a Trump or a Sanders supporter... either are promising something new. A revolution. To make America great again. Can you feel the energy? The possibility? The people gathering, a new SOMETHING on the horizon! Or maybe you're a … Continue reading What Just Happened?