Tag: the good shepherd

Carrying Out The Light

Listen to this service here Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 and Jeremiah 23:1-6 Shepherds to Shepherd The War to End all Wars. The Great War. The first and last time all the world would go to war with itself. We know Armistice was signed November 11th, 1918. We also know it was not a lasting peace. It … Continue reading Carrying Out The Light

Protect One Another

Kid's chat here https://youtu.be/C3LAp519Yqc Sermon here https://youtu.be/7CoTSnak79A May 3rd 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS We will be having communion today Please continue to tithe! Food pantry has greater need than ever and greater donations than ever. Thank you! Keep it up! Be here next week for service. PRAYER REMINDER In respect of privacy, we’ll continue to have intercession … Continue reading Protect One Another

Rituals for Peace (Covid-19)

Separated as we are, scared as we are, anxious as we are, we can still call on the power of rituals.

Sheep and Sheep

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Matthew 25:31-46 Today is Christ the King Sunday - the day we proclaim Christ is King over all the world, the lord over all lords, the highest politician, highest ruler, over all rulers. Everyone and everything belongs under Christ's rule and we anticipate the day this reign is fully actualized. This sounds … Continue reading Sheep and Sheep

Abundant Life

John 10:1-10  Acts 2:42-47 Every evening, there is a ritual across the world - boys and girls, women and men, go out and lock up their barns. When I was a child, it's what we did right after dinner. Close the goat barn - lock the door. Check the chicken coop for sneaky early evening … Continue reading Abundant Life