Tag: Tabitha

Little Girl — Get up! (Remix)

Acts is a book written following how Christianity moved from just a Jewish movement... to a movement for all people. Today, we read of one of its bridging women... Acts 9:36-43 The festival of the dedication is a long title for Hanukkah. Jesus is around the temple for the Hanukkah holiday in our John reading. … Continue reading Little Girl — Get up! (Remix)

Something to Eat

2 Corinthians 8:7-15  Mark 5:21-43 What lengths would you go for healing? For yourself? For your child? For today's unnamed woman, she was willing to risk everything. She'd already paid all her money. She'd lost all her dignity as doctor after doctor and healer after healer failed to help her. Twelve years ago - maybe … Continue reading Something to Eat

Do Not Fear

2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Luke 1:26-38 Do not be afraid. This is a strange greeting, isn’t it? Yet this is how Gabriel, in the Gospel of Luke, says hello to Mary and Zechariah both. Do not be afraid – this is the greeting the Angels give the shepherds. “Each word of assurance offered by the … Continue reading Do Not Fear

A Living Sacrifice

Matthew 16:13-20  Romans 12:1-8 I am a consumer. I am told that every day. It’s my identity given to me. It means I am defined as one who consumes. Who uses. Who devours. So I am defined as one who spends, who is not satisfied, who is always hungry for more. I literally buy into … Continue reading A Living Sacrifice

Tending the Sheep

Acts 9:36-43 Revelation 7:9-17 Dorcas and Tabitha mean the same thing, sorta like feline and cat or Charlie and Chuck. This woman's name is gazelle, and she is so important to the early Christians that she is the only woman ever called a 'disciple' in the New Testament! We can picture her as a leader … Continue reading Tending the Sheep