Tag: stress

Father’s Day / Finding Strength in Change

What we experience, what we fear, what keeps us up at night... God knows. And cares about.

Rituals for Peace (Covid-19)

Separated as we are, scared as we are, anxious as we are, we can still call on the power of rituals.

Peace I Leave With You

John of Patmos’ vision continues today. Here is a part of chapter 21 and 22. The portion skipped over go into great length to bring to life a vision of the holy city of God – once only in heaven, but now HERE on Earth. John of Patmos describes his vision as so… Revelation 21:10, … Continue reading Peace I Leave With You

Let Me Rest

Matthew 25:1-13  The disciples ask Jesus, What sign are we to watch for – what is the coming of the Kin-dom of Heaven like? And Jesus tells them several chapters about just that. Today, we hear the parable of the 10 bridesmaids, or 10 virgins, 10 young women. It goes like this: The coming of … Continue reading Let Me Rest