Tag: slave

Live Like You Are Dying

Mark 10:35-45 Hebrews 5:1-10 Kid's Moment - play follow the leader. Good leaders. Bad leaders. Who will you follow? Sermon: Christianity has always had a predicament with our Savior - he doesn't look glorious, or act it, or appear ir, or advocate great glory. We picture a grand and glorious military leader, coming with an … Continue reading Live Like You Are Dying

Made for Good Works

John 3:14-21 Ephesians 2:1-10 Paul is writing to the little group of religious refugees in Ephesus. He says, once -- all of you -- including all of us here at Saint Michael's -- were existing in the course of the world, following the 'aeon' or spirit of the air, the gestalt, or the common way … Continue reading Made for Good Works

Caretakers of Love & Knowledge

1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 I like reading websites full of weird facts, stories, and research. This week I fell down the internet rabbit hole of the Smithsonian Magazine online. I read about the Herero Genocide. Never heard of it? Me either until now. But it was where Germany perfected genocide, and tested out the … Continue reading Caretakers of Love & Knowledge

Forgive – don’t forget

Matthew 18:21-35 Romans 14:1-12 "The Bible says you should forgive and forget." How often I have been told that! I wonder, was Jesus ever told that? What about Paul? Or Moses? Or God? Because none of them preach forgive and forget! Actually, they taught the exact opposite... to forgive, and don't forget. I get told … Continue reading Forgive – don’t forget