Tag: Shalom

Jesus is on the loose!

Revelation 1:4-8 and John 20:19-31 Given to Espanola United Church of Canada, April 24th, 2022 The poor disciples are paralyzed. This morning Mary, and several other woman, told them plainly that Jesus is resurrected. Told them of angels and empty tombs. But they're hiding. From their own neighbors even. Just as Jesus woke Mary up … Continue reading Jesus is on the loose!

You Are Witnesses

View this sermon here. You Are Witnesses of These Things I have come at this week's sermon several times. Each time, a new angle. Each time, not happy. Each time, knowing what I feel the Spirit urging me to say and unable to put it into words. And finally, as is always, the answer is… … Continue reading You Are Witnesses

Peace I Leave With You

John of Patmos’ vision continues today. Here is a part of chapter 21 and 22. The portion skipped over go into great length to bring to life a vision of the holy city of God – once only in heaven, but now HERE on Earth. John of Patmos describes his vision as so… Revelation 21:10, … Continue reading Peace I Leave With You

Little Girl — Get up! (Remix)

Acts is a book written following how Christianity moved from just a Jewish movement... to a movement for all people. Today, we read of one of its bridging women... Acts 9:36-43 The festival of the dedication is a long title for Hanukkah. Jesus is around the temple for the Hanukkah holiday in our John reading. … Continue reading Little Girl — Get up! (Remix)

Peaceful Feet

Philippians 1:3-11 Luke 1:68-79 Elderly Elizabeth and elderly Zechariah had no children. Elizabeth prayed for a child; and Zechariah received a vision of the future child that struck him deaf and mute. This elderly couple have been waiting, and waiting, nine long months. For the last few months, Elizabeth's young, young relative Mary has been … Continue reading Peaceful Feet