Tag: power

Fishing is not fun for fish! Jan 24th 2021

Listen to this sermon here.Jan 24th, 2021 ANNOUNCEMENTS- Ash Wednesday Service with the Baltimore Area Ministerial Association- Current Prayer Requests are online or in telephone CENTERING For today’s centering of ourselves for worship, we’re going to focus on our bodies. I like this centering right before bed the most. It helps me feel relaxed, centered, … Continue reading Fishing is not fun for fish! Jan 24th 2021

Wounded Healers

Jeremiah 31:31-34 John 12:20-33 Surely the day is coming when no one will ask “Who is God?” because we’ll all know – God’s ways are written inside of us. In our hearts. There’s no question. We just know. Surely the day is coming when we will be in full understanding with God, and there won’t … Continue reading Wounded Healers

Forgive – don’t forget

Matthew 18:21-35 Romans 14:1-12 "The Bible says you should forgive and forget." How often I have been told that! I wonder, was Jesus ever told that? What about Paul? Or Moses? Or God? Because none of them preach forgive and forget! Actually, they taught the exact opposite... to forgive, and don't forget. I get told … Continue reading Forgive – don’t forget

Abundant Life

John 10:1-10  Acts 2:42-47 Every evening, there is a ritual across the world - boys and girls, women and men, go out and lock up their barns. When I was a child, it's what we did right after dinner. Close the goat barn - lock the door. Check the chicken coop for sneaky early evening … Continue reading Abundant Life

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Luke 4:1-13 Do you know the old country music song "Rose Garden" by Lynn Anderson or Martina McBride? The woman singer tells her husband, "I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden..." She says she promised many other things... but a marriage made of only roses and good times wasn't … Continue reading Lead Us Not Into Temptation