Tag: Palm Sunday

Candlelight / Benediction / Holy Week

A candle light flickers, dims, and even can go out. Our faith proclaims that in our ends are our beginnings. That when the flame dies, God rekindles it again. And when we die, we yet live on. So we extinguish this candle today, but it lives on in your hearts. May you feel God's presence … Continue reading Candlelight / Benediction / Holy Week

Sermon: Is that all? Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday

NRSVUE with additions in brackets by Rev. Whitney Bruno Given to Little Current United Church, 2024 Mark 14:1 to Mark 15:47 The Plot to Kill Jesus It was two days before the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. [At this time Jewish people came from all over the Palestine area to the city of … Continue reading Sermon: Is that all? Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday

Sermon: What Do You Care Enough To Protest About?

Scripture Matthew 27:11-54Palm Sunday Watch or listen to this service here. Whenever I read something that seems too good to be true… I presume it is false until proven otherwise. I read this year that the first Palm Sunday had two parades – one a parody of the other – Jesus on a donkey and … Continue reading Sermon: What Do You Care Enough To Protest About?

Palm Sunday Procession & Candle Lighting

Lighting the Christ Candle: When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. If anyone … Continue reading Palm Sunday Procession & Candle Lighting

Life Up Your Palms! Palm Sunday

Originally aired on Facebook Live. A branch growing out of a stump. Symbols are like… sticky tape. Lent rollers. They pick up meanings the more they roll around. Pretend my lent roller is Jesus. In our reading today, Jesus rolls up to Jerusalem.That's the first symbol - Jerusalem - the place where Heaven and Earth … Continue reading Life Up Your Palms! Palm Sunday

Branch Sunday – Come Jesus

Video link of sermon Link to scripture Matthew 21:17 There are 3 big holidays where everyone gets together, packs into Jerusalem, and visits the temple. A time to see family and go shopping, a time to celebrate and tell stories of the past while writing the story of the present. One of them is Passover. … Continue reading Branch Sunday – Come Jesus

What Anticipation!

Matthew 21:1-11 Philippians 2:5-11 Roughly translated today, we are cheering: "Praises for the Prince! Anyone who comes in the name of God is a blessing! Let there be praises in heaven!" We are anticipating the new prince, the new rule. We are making a religious statement- God celebrates this person, this Jesus. We are making … Continue reading What Anticipation!