Tag: ice

Messy Church – Snow Day!

Listen or watch this service here Directions: It is Messy Church Sunday! Let's have a snow day. Please take a bowl outside and gather a bowl of snow - any size of a bowl. Any amount of snow. Bring it in at this time. We're going to have a pretty song called The Skaters Waltz … Continue reading Messy Church – Snow Day!

Rotten Fruit

Do not be complicit in profiting from immigrate concentration camps.

Breaking Down the Dividing Wall

Ephesians 2:11-22  Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Let me tell you what's in the news - - Ah. I see winces. You don't want to hear it. It isn't the news you want to hear. It's news about how our nation is being made great again. It's news about non-Citizens suffering wanton abuse from government officials. It's … Continue reading Breaking Down the Dividing Wall

Immigration Manifesto

This turned into a sermon with more of a solid call to action (see sermon: Overwhelmed! 2018). However, I share these thoughts anyways. Not a sermon. Not a prayer. I don't know what it is but some have called it the start of my manifesto on our moral crisis.   Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country … Continue reading Immigration Manifesto


Job 38:1-11  Mark 4:35-41 Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country falls when its people are divided against themselves. When we become numb to atrocities. When we tune out, look away, and protect only our own. When we become overwhelmed. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Puerto Rico continues to have no power. People continue to die there. Mining is … Continue reading Overwhelmed!

Middle of Winter Devotional

Psalm 147:7-11, 14-18  Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre. God covers the heavens with clouds, prepares rain for the earth, makes grass grow on the hills. God gives to the animals their food, and to the young ravens when they cry. God's delight is not in the … Continue reading Middle of Winter Devotional