Tag: Forgive

Benediction – Carrying out the Christ Light – Humbleness dbaadendiziwin

We all make mistakes. The strength of humility, dbaadendiziwin, is owning up to those mistakes and trying hard to not do them again. Carry with you the light of Christ within. God offers new beginnings, new birth, new life to all who with humility, dbaadendiziwin, turn to God. Go in peace, go with love, go … Continue reading Benediction – Carrying out the Christ Light – Humbleness dbaadendiziwin

Sermon – Loving is Hard (Sometimes)

A Sermon by Rev. Whitney Bruno – Dec. 18, 2022 – for LCUCPC - Isaiah 7: 10-16 ,  Matthew 1: 18-25 Listen or watch this service here Loving is hard sometimes. Yes - it's quoting a song. But I think in songs! And it is true. Relationships are hard. Loving is hard. Being community is … Continue reading Sermon – Loving is Hard (Sometimes)

Lost, Seeking, Found

In the Good News according to Luke, Jesus is leading up to the story of the Prodigal Son... Luke 15:1-10 Our second reading is part of the first letter Paul wrote to Timothy and his church plant... 1 Timothy 1:12-17 We've all been lost. Maybe we're 4 and lost in the grocery store. Or 40 … Continue reading Lost, Seeking, Found

High on the Hog

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 How is gratitude related to these two passages? It seems like a stretch. In Jesus' parable, it is helpful to remember Jesus is talking about when the reign of God will come, and what it will be like. This is shortly before he, himself, is arrested and murdered, resurrected, and … Continue reading High on the Hog

Forgive – don’t forget

Matthew 18:21-35 Romans 14:1-12 "The Bible says you should forgive and forget." How often I have been told that! I wonder, was Jesus ever told that? What about Paul? Or Moses? Or God? Because none of them preach forgive and forget! Actually, they taught the exact opposite... to forgive, and don't forget. I get told … Continue reading Forgive – don’t forget