Tag: economy

Sermon: Against Common Wisdom

Watch this service on Facebook or on our website Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 and Luke 15:1-10 Let me set the scene for our gospel reading: Jesus is walking, preaching, traveling village to village and wearing holes in his sandals. Tax collectors and sinners – also known as, people working with the enemy and people working against … Continue reading Sermon: Against Common Wisdom

The Shrewdness of the Current Generation

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-7 and Luke 16:1-13 Listen or watch this service here on Facebook or on our webpage. Our Bible Study group has been reading a book called ‘The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.’ Today’s story from this controversial rabbi is… definitely enigmatic. There is so much we don’t know about this parable! … Continue reading The Shrewdness of the Current Generation

Sermon: Bruised Fruit

A Sermon by Rev. Whitney Bruno – July17, 2022 – LCUCPC – Amos 8: 1-12 Listen to this service herehttps://fb.watch/euyAFrPFrk/ Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com “Bruised Fruit” Amos is a really scary book. It is. It speaks of lots of judgement and horror. Today we hear of bodies in the streets. Amos is also … Continue reading Sermon: Bruised Fruit

Rural Life Sunday; Show Me The Truth

Younger Saint's Moment - reading the book "A Prayer for the Earth: The Story of Naamah, Noah's Wife" by Rabbi Sandy Sasso.   Link to video   Watch the below sermon here   ANNOUNCEMENTS Please keep tithing Please tune back in here. Consistory is examining how to open us safely but we’re not yet ready … Continue reading Rural Life Sunday; Show Me The Truth

Vanities of Vanities

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 Luke 12:13-21 Have you been to an auction? I used to go all the time with my dad. It was our daddy-daughter bonding time. I remember this one auction very well: it took up the entire farmhouse yard, went into the barnyard, and into the two barns AND the house. There … Continue reading Vanities of Vanities