Tag: crowd

Peer Pressure

Mark 13:1-8 Hebrews 10:11-25 In Actalan Mexico this year, a rumor began to spread in a rural town similar to Baltimore. "Child abductors!" "Kidnappers!" "Be warned!" It began on social media -- WhatsApp and Facebook and forwarded emails. Then it began to spread by word of mouth. An uncle and his nephew left their farm … Continue reading Peer Pressure

House & Family

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 Who has authority? Today, I'd say it is religious leaders, the government, and social media.   In Jesus' day, it was the government of Rome, the scribes or religious leaders, and family.   The crowd comes together, loud and noisy. Stinking and ill. They press in on Jesus so tightly … Continue reading House & Family