Tag: Christian

We Remember Our Past to Dream A Better Tomorrow – Remembrance Day

Amos 5:18-24Matthew 25:1-13 Today Jesus tells a story of 10 bridesmaids ready to greet the groom and escort him into the wedding. All ten go prepared with oil and lamps in case the groom takes awhile and comes after dark. And he does take a long, long time. So long, all 10 go to sleep. … Continue reading We Remember Our Past to Dream A Better Tomorrow – Remembrance Day

Water is Life – Truth and Reconciliation Day

Exodus 17: 1-7 & Matthew 21: 23-32 Last week we heard about the ancient Hebrews learning a new relationship with food. Today, we heard about their relationship with water. Water is life. Our bodies are 50-60% water by weight. We're pretty much water balloons over some bones. Water cushions our joints. Water allows our brains … Continue reading Water is Life – Truth and Reconciliation Day

Identity Politics – August 23rd 2020

Hear the Younger Saints' moment book "We Are The Groovicorns" by clicking here. ... Hear this sermon by clicking here. August 23rd, 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS It is Food Pantry Sunday! Please remember to give to the Baltimore Area Food Pantry.Thank you for continuing to tithe.Next week we will be online as cases are still rising in … Continue reading Identity Politics – August 23rd 2020

Fire and Water

Luke 3:1-22 Once upon a specific time, writes Luke, the Word of God came to John in the wilderness. When the Word is upon you, you prophesize! And it was no different for John. He went into all the regions around the Jordan river, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. John … Continue reading Fire and Water

Caretakers of Love & Knowledge

1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 I like reading websites full of weird facts, stories, and research. This week I fell down the internet rabbit hole of the Smithsonian Magazine online. I read about the Herero Genocide. Never heard of it? Me either until now. But it was where Germany perfected genocide, and tested out the … Continue reading Caretakers of Love & Knowledge

Peace on Earth

Isaiah 40: 1-11  Mark 1:1-8 A country is invaded by people who have skin a different color than us. They speak a different language. They worship in a different religion. And they declare our land now belongs to a minority living among us. We revolt - we protest - we fight. And they keep sending … Continue reading Peace on Earth