Tag: apocalypse

The Rapture (Is Not Going To Save You)

Listen or watch this service here.Scripture John 13:31-35 Revelations 21:1-6 I have news for you today... Everything I am going to preach has already been said by the Simpsons.  And so... Here is Left Below - by the Simpsons. (https://youtu.be/tueIUr3B1vU ) Description: Homer Simpson and daughter go to a theatre and see a film called … Continue reading The Rapture (Is Not Going To Save You)

Let Me Rest

Matthew 25:1-13  The disciples ask Jesus, What sign are we to watch for – what is the coming of the Kin-dom of Heaven like? And Jesus tells them several chapters about just that. Today, we hear the parable of the 10 bridesmaids, or 10 virgins, 10 young women. It goes like this: The coming of … Continue reading Let Me Rest

Entering Holy Space

Hebrews 10:11-25 Mark 13:1-8 Not a stone will be left on top of another. Our buildings provide no security. Our buildings will not save. We saw this with the September 11th terrorist attacks. Buildings, which we thought immovable, crumbled to the ground. Planes we thought ever secure turned into weapons. Places we thought lasting... ended. … Continue reading Entering Holy Space