Tag: 1 John


Job 38:1-11  Mark 4:35-41 Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country falls when its people are divided against themselves. When we become numb to atrocities. When we tune out, look away, and protect only our own. When we become overwhelmed. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Puerto Rico continues to have no power. People continue to die there. Mining is … Continue reading Overwhelmed!

Teeched in the Head – Pentecost

John 15:26-27:16:4b-15  Acts 2:1-21 Jesus promises his disciples the Advocate, someone to argue in our favor and speak council to us. It will be a Spirit of Truth that comes from God and will testify, speak, words on Jesus' behalf. This Spirit will guide us into Truth. But when the Advocate came, after Jesus was … Continue reading Teeched in the Head – Pentecost

They Who Conquer the World

1 John 5: 1-6 John 15:9-17 Jesus gives only one commandment. He teaches much. He asks of us things. He commissions. He appoints. But he commands only one thing: Love one another. Love one another as I have loved you. When asked what the greatest commandment is in the Bible out of all of them, … Continue reading They Who Conquer the World

What We Will Be

Luke 24:36-48 1 John 3:1-7  I don't like the word witness. I REALLY am uncomfortable with the phrase 'a witness for Christ' or something similar to that. It throws me back to how many times I've witnessed a witness for Christ being a person I never want to associate with. The first witness that comes … Continue reading What We Will Be