Tag: talents

Loving God; Vengeful God – St. Michael’s UCC Baltimore Ohio November 15th 2020

Listen to this sermon here Jump to the sermon text November 15th, 2020ANNOUNCEMENTS Fairfield County continues to be red for COVID-19. Therefore, our services will be physically distant as a way to lovingly protect one another’s health.The community thanksgiving service will be online. Please let Rev. Bruno know if you would like a DvD of … Continue reading Loving God; Vengeful God – St. Michael’s UCC Baltimore Ohio November 15th 2020

High on the Hog

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 How is gratitude related to these two passages? It seems like a stretch. In Jesus' parable, it is helpful to remember Jesus is talking about when the reign of God will come, and what it will be like. This is shortly before he, himself, is arrested and murdered, resurrected, and … Continue reading High on the Hog