Tag: slavery

Father’s Day / Finding Strength in Change

What we experience, what we fear, what keeps us up at night... God knows. And cares about.

Pentecost 2020 – Racism & Covid-19

      Younger Saints' Video here See this sermon here ANNOUNCEMENTS - Communion next Sunday - Keep checking the private FB page for prayers. - No news on opening yet, so please be here next week Centering for Worship ~ written by Steve Garnaas-Holmes Holy One, breath of the big bang, idea of creation, … Continue reading Pentecost 2020 – Racism & Covid-19

Made for Good Works

John 3:14-21 Ephesians 2:1-10 Paul is writing to the little group of religious refugees in Ephesus. He says, once -- all of you -- including all of us here at Saint Michael's -- were existing in the course of the world, following the 'aeon' or spirit of the air, the gestalt, or the common way … Continue reading Made for Good Works

Grace of God

1 Kings 21:1-21a Luke 7:36-8:3 We know this story: someone rich goes on vacation to the countryside and they see something they just HAVE to HAVE. A handmade quilt, an antique tractor, a piece of land. So they offer money. "My dog loves that quilt, give it to me! How much?" "My house will look … Continue reading Grace of God