Tag: Sermon

Sermon: Come and See

Watch or listen to this service here 1 Samuel 3:1-20 and John 1:43-51 Come and See The word of the LORD is rare these days; visions are not widespread. The future of the church seem dim. At this time, there are as more Muslims (4.9%) in Canada than there are United Church members (3.3% of … Continue reading Sermon: Come and See

Sermon: Messiness of the Realm of God

Listen or watch this service here Scriptures: Exodus 32:1-14 and Matthew 22:1-14 Bear with me this morning, I caught THE cold finally. Which started my asthma. So I have slept a lot this week. Bear with me this morning, my mind is on Palestine and Israel. My mind is on Afghanistan’s earthquake. And Libya. And … Continue reading Sermon: Messiness of the Realm of God

Sermon: A Dim Light Not Quinched

Isaiah 42:1-9; Matthew 3:13-17 The Baptism of the Lord SundayWatch or listen to this service here. (Loading soon) Isaiah's reading takes place in a heavenly court - the wronged party is the Judah kingdom. From Abraham to Moses to now these people have been following God. They built cities, and a temple dedicated to God. … Continue reading Sermon: A Dim Light Not Quinched

Our House Is On Fire

Listen or watch this service here. Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-11; Luke 14:25-33 began with reading the same named book by Gretta Thunburg for the Learning for All Ages time (children's message) “Our House Is On Fire”        My house is on fire. Okay, not literally. You’re not going to Sheguiandah and see firetrucks at my house … Continue reading Our House Is On Fire

Bless Your Heart

Watch or listen to this service here. Luke 6:17-26 Jeremiah 17:5-10 Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels.com There's nothing innately, automatically, salvific about poverty. We might admire the adversity someone has over come. We might state that hard times make people with character and strength. We might think people are poor because of their … Continue reading Bless Your Heart

Reformation Sunday 2020 – The Truth Sets Us Free

Listen to this service hereClick here to jump to sermon REFORMATION SUNDAY GREETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Food Pantry SundayCommunion Next Sunday & All Saints Sunday. Please give names to Marcia. The UCC will be hosting an online denominational memorial next Sunday evening you can also watch online.Association meeting Saturday 10 to noon on Zoom via your … Continue reading Reformation Sunday 2020 – The Truth Sets Us Free