Tag: Rroma

Hen’s Teeth

Abram has gotten rich in livestock, and silver, and gold. He has a wife. He recently has successfully won a major battle. But God’s promise to give him children hasn’t been fulfilled all these years. Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, teaching, healing, and prophesying as he goes. It is the … Continue reading Hen’s Teeth

Caretakers of Love & Knowledge

1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 I like reading websites full of weird facts, stories, and research. This week I fell down the internet rabbit hole of the Smithsonian Magazine online. I read about the Herero Genocide. Never heard of it? Me either until now. But it was where Germany perfected genocide, and tested out the … Continue reading Caretakers of Love & Knowledge