Tag: refugee

Jesus was a Refugee

Towne Crier newspaper Christmas 2015 “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?” Matthew 25:44 Each Christmas, I set up my nativity scene. There is a little baby Jesus who is the biggest, healthiest 'new born' I’ve ever seen, there … Continue reading Jesus was a Refugee

Trinity Sunday: God in Relationship, 2020

See this sermon here. June 6th 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS - Be back here next week for services. Some Baltimore Area churches are beginning to open and I’ve been talking with them about how it is going. Right now, they’re asking anyone who is elderly, sick, or at risk to not attend. Which is like… most of … Continue reading Trinity Sunday: God in Relationship, 2020


Job 38:1-11  Mark 4:35-41 Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country falls when its people are divided against themselves. When we become numb to atrocities. When we tune out, look away, and protect only our own. When we become overwhelmed. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Puerto Rico continues to have no power. People continue to die there. Mining is … Continue reading Overwhelmed!