Tag: Proverbs 8:22-31

Trinity Means No One Stands Alone

Listen to this service here Based on Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 and John 16:12-15 There is a game my friends and I occasionally play called 'Describe your job poorly.' So... one friend says, 'I am paid to lie to people.' That'd be the fiction author. Another says, 'I bring a knife to a gun fight.' That … Continue reading Trinity Means No One Stands Alone

Like A Father

The authors of Proverbs imagine wisdom as a woman and a spirit that invites all people to come to her. When she remembers God creating, she uses a word that calls herself either God’s master artisan or worker helping imagine the wonders of the world… or a little girl who delights and plays in the … Continue reading Like A Father