Tag: pastor

Messy Church – An Exploration of Communion

Messy Church January 29 2023 – An Exploration of Holy Communion Full service outline. Little Current United Church Pastoral Charge www. littlecurrent-sheguiandah-unitedchurch .org Box 254, Little Current ON P0P 1K0   368-2941 Minister: Rev. Whitney Bruno            Music Ministry: Judith Mosher, Ruth McDonald & Choir ** an invitation to stand in body or spirit in the … Continue reading Messy Church – An Exploration of Communion

Journey to Self Care, August 9th 2020

August 9th, 2020 YOUNGER SAINTS "I'm Sad!" Click here to watch this video. ... Hear the below at this link. ANNOUNCEMENTS Prayer requests Here next week for service CENTERING (By Rev. Whitney Bruno; based on 1 Kings 19:9-18; Romans 10:5-15 and Matthew 14:22-33) We have stepped away from the crowds God. No fair rides. No … Continue reading Journey to Self Care, August 9th 2020

Rituals for Peace (Covid-19)

Separated as we are, scared as we are, anxious as we are, we can still call on the power of rituals.