Tag: original sin

Pentecost 2020 – Racism & Covid-19

      Younger Saints' Video here See this sermon here ANNOUNCEMENTS - Communion next Sunday - Keep checking the private FB page for prayers. - No news on opening yet, so please be here next week Centering for Worship ~ written by Steve Garnaas-Holmes Holy One, breath of the big bang, idea of creation, … Continue reading Pentecost 2020 – Racism & Covid-19

Sola Fide – Faith Alone

Matthew 22:15-22 (34-46) 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (2:1-8)   Picture with me the most evil person you can. Historic or not. The most evil. Got them in mind? Okay, now, if, on their death bed, they have a change of mind and soul, and had faith in Jesus - would they go to heaven? Even with … Continue reading Sola Fide – Faith Alone

One Thing I Do Know

John 9:1-41 Ephesians 5:8-14 Why do bad things happen? It's something we ask, again and again. And the people of the Bible ask it again and again. And just like we come to different conclusions, so, too, do our mothers and fathers in the faith. The most common conclusion back then, and today, is that … Continue reading One Thing I Do Know