Tag: Ojibwe

David and Jonathan

A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – June 21, 2024 – for LCUCPC - 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 and 1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 28-29; 19:1-12; 20:1-4, 16-17, 30-34, 31:1-3, 6, & 2 Samuel 1:17-27 National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024 – ‘David and Jonathan’ Jonathan loves David. David loves Jonathan. Scripture is very clear on this - they … Continue reading David and Jonathan

Candlelighting – Honesty – Gwekwaadziwin

We light this candle remembering the honesty, the gwekwaadziwin of Christ. He lived authentically - accepting himself and others. Seeing the value of himself and others. And being bold enough, brave enough, loving enough to live with honesty, gwekwaadziwin.- Light the candle. Carrying out the Light Christ and BenedictionHonesty is hard work. To be honest, … Continue reading Candlelighting – Honesty – Gwekwaadziwin

Sermon: How Do We Know God Is With Us?

Scripture: Exodus 33:12-23; 24:5-9 Watch or listen to this service here Oh the irony! Last week we read how the ancient people wanted a visual representation of God to go before them. They made the golden calf and we saw how well that went over. The calf is now broken and the gold scattered. The … Continue reading Sermon: How Do We Know God Is With Us?

Invitation to Commitment – Bravery – akwa’ode’ewin

It takes bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin, to give resources to others. It takes bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin, to ask others for resources. Here in this safe space, we practice bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin. We commit to givingwhat we can and receiving what we need. We commit time - like in the mattress weaving. We commit abilities - like the electricity we … Continue reading Invitation to Commitment – Bravery – akwa’ode’ewin

Candle Lighting – Bravery – Aakwa’ode’ewin

Today we speak of bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin, like the bravery Moses had speaking with God. Like the courage Jesus has to help the community. We light this candle recalling aakwa'ode'ewin, bravery. light the candle May the grace of God sustain us. May the example of Jesus guide us. May the bravery, aakwa'ode'ewin, of the Holy Spirit … Continue reading Candle Lighting – Bravery – Aakwa’ode’ewin

Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

We light this candle recalling the wisdom, nbwaakaawin, of God. God gives us wisdom in plants and animals; in taught knowledge and experienced knowledge. God invites us to question, to ponder, to learn, to test, to be full of wisdom, nbwaakaawin. Light the candle Call to Worship One: Come all with questions, come all with … Continue reading Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

Sermon: Messiness of the Realm of God

Listen or watch this service here Scriptures: Exodus 32:1-14 and Matthew 22:1-14 Bear with me this morning, I caught THE cold finally. Which started my asthma. So I have slept a lot this week. Bear with me this morning, my mind is on Palestine and Israel. My mind is on Afghanistan’s earthquake. And Libya. And … Continue reading Sermon: Messiness of the Realm of God

Benediction – Carrying out the Christ Light – Humbleness dbaadendiziwin

We all make mistakes. The strength of humility, dbaadendiziwin, is owning up to those mistakes and trying hard to not do them again. Carry with you the light of Christ within. God offers new beginnings, new birth, new life to all who with humility, dbaadendiziwin, turn to God. Go in peace, go with love, go … Continue reading Benediction – Carrying out the Christ Light – Humbleness dbaadendiziwin

Offertory Prayer – Humbleness, dbaadendiziwin

Generous God, you give us gift over gift. You invite us to give you gifts too. You give us each other. You invite us to give and receive from one another. Let us know humility, dbaadendiziwin, and rely on each other. Let us know humility, dbaadendiziwin, and rely on you. Bless our trust, our commitments … Continue reading Offertory Prayer – Humbleness, dbaadendiziwin

Invitation to Commitment – humility dbaadendiziwin

Christian economics require humility, dbaadendiziwin. No more are we kings or queens over one another. No longer do we only give. We are each other's servants. We are each other's keepers. We receive, too. Humility, dbaadendiziwin, is knowing our place as part of creation. Humility, dbaadendiziwin, is knowing we are a community and no person … Continue reading Invitation to Commitment – humility dbaadendiziwin