Tag: Mother’s Day

Sermon: The Problems with Monotheism and Mother’s Day

Listen or watch this service here Scripture Focus: Acts 17:22-31 and John 14:1-21 The Holy Spirit, the Advocate, moves and sways, challenges and connects, intercedes and brings forth what appears to be ironic coincidences. Take, for instance, today. It is Mother’s Day. Our readings are packed with Father language. And Jesus says – I’m sending … Continue reading Sermon: The Problems with Monotheism and Mother’s Day

Prayers of the People – God of Many Titles

Father God, we pray to you with joy for our fathers were and are wonderful people. They have been steady in our lives, a rock of solid support, and a constant source of love.  And we dislike calling you father, for our fathers were not there, not loving, or fearful. Mother God, we pray to … Continue reading Prayers of the People – God of Many Titles

Benediction – Female Images of God

As a mothering hen gathers her chicks, so God gathers you into safety and security.As a woman seeks a lost treasure, so God refuses to stop seeking and finding goodness for you.Go out with the ferociousness of a protective mother bear for those weaker.Go out with the tenderness of a dove's lullaby for the world's … Continue reading Benediction – Female Images of God

Opening Prayer: Families

Come Holy God into our worship today! We recall your universal parenthood to us today. We see you active in the ways we have been raised by mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, foster parents and step parents, and more. We see you in the way you give us loving families -- … Continue reading Opening Prayer: Families

A Christian Family

A Christian Family “A Christian Family” THAT is a phrase to make me shudder. I immediately have images in my mind of Focus on the Family; of a dad who is the Head of the House, the submissive stay-at-home mother who sells Tubberware and Avon and other things to have some personal cash, of a … Continue reading A Christian Family

Our Mother Who Art Within Us

By Patricia Lynn ReillyOur Mother, who art within us,We celebrate your many namesYour wisdom come. Your will be done,Unfolding from the depths within us.Each day you give us all that we need.You remind us of our limits and we let go.You support us in our power and we act with courage.For you are the dwelling … Continue reading Our Mother Who Art Within Us