Tag: messy church

Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

We light this candle recalling the wisdom, nbwaakaawin, of God. God gives us wisdom in plants and animals; in taught knowledge and experienced knowledge. God invites us to question, to ponder, to learn, to test, to be full of wisdom, nbwaakaawin. Light the candle Call to Worship One: Come all with questions, come all with … Continue reading Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

Messy Church – An Exploration of Communion

Messy Church January 29 2023 – An Exploration of Holy Communion Full service outline. Little Current United Church Pastoral Charge www. littlecurrent-sheguiandah-unitedchurch .org Box 254, Little Current ON P0P 1K0   368-2941 Minister: Rev. Whitney Bruno            Music Ministry: Judith Mosher, Ruth McDonald & Choir ** an invitation to stand in body or spirit in the … Continue reading Messy Church – An Exploration of Communion

Messy Church: Halloween: Monsters of the Bible

Listen or watch this service here The Book of Job: Pl. 15, Behold now Behemoth which I made with thee by William Blake (British, 1757u20131827) is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 October 30th, 2022What is Messy Church? Messy Church is church that celebrates faith with creativity and hospitality! It is Biblically based; for everyone — all … Continue reading Messy Church: Halloween: Monsters of the Bible

Messy Church – Snow Day!

Listen or watch this service here Directions: It is Messy Church Sunday! Let's have a snow day. Please take a bowl outside and gather a bowl of snow - any size of a bowl. Any amount of snow. Bring it in at this time. We're going to have a pretty song called The Skaters Waltz … Continue reading Messy Church – Snow Day!

Our Community – A Messy Church / Vacation Bible School / Devotions At Home Service

MeSsY ChUrCh! Little Current and Sheguiandah United Church Pastoral Charge August 29th 2021 Do a messy service with us by watching or listening here. What is Messy Church? Messy Church is church that is fun! It celebrates faith with creativity and hospitality! It is Biblically based! It is for everyone — all generations together! It … Continue reading Our Community – A Messy Church / Vacation Bible School / Devotions At Home Service