Tag: judgement


Children's Chat: Super Why!  James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37 As a child, I learned the secret answer in Sunday School… I bet you did, too. It goes like this: “Who walked on water?” JESUS! “Who cured the blind?” JESUS! “Who loves us?” JESUS! The answer to everything was either Jesus, God, love, or Jesus’ love … Continue reading Why?

Made for Good Works

John 3:14-21 Ephesians 2:1-10 Paul is writing to the little group of religious refugees in Ephesus. He says, once -- all of you -- including all of us here at Saint Michael's -- were existing in the course of the world, following the 'aeon' or spirit of the air, the gestalt, or the common way … Continue reading Made for Good Works

One Thing I Do Know

John 9:1-41 Ephesians 5:8-14 Why do bad things happen? It's something we ask, again and again. And the people of the Bible ask it again and again. And just like we come to different conclusions, so, too, do our mothers and fathers in the faith. The most common conclusion back then, and today, is that … Continue reading One Thing I Do Know