Tag: humility

Sermon: Messiness of the Realm of God

Listen or watch this service here Scriptures: Exodus 32:1-14 and Matthew 22:1-14 Bear with me this morning, I caught THE cold finally. Which started my asthma. So I have slept a lot this week. Bear with me this morning, my mind is on Palestine and Israel. My mind is on Afghanistan’s earthquake. And Libya. And … Continue reading Sermon: Messiness of the Realm of God

Benediction – Carrying out the Christ Light – Humbleness dbaadendiziwin

We all make mistakes. The strength of humility, dbaadendiziwin, is owning up to those mistakes and trying hard to not do them again. Carry with you the light of Christ within. God offers new beginnings, new birth, new life to all who with humility, dbaadendiziwin, turn to God. Go in peace, go with love, go … Continue reading Benediction – Carrying out the Christ Light – Humbleness dbaadendiziwin

New Year Resolutions

Luke 2:41-52 Colossians 3:12-17 We have yearly traditions. Things we do, year after year, to mark the passage of time. Christmas with Christmas trees, and stockings, and cookies and milk set out to Santa. New Years with a ball drop in Times Square where many have pilgrimaged to see it. Valentine’s Day cards. Independence Day … Continue reading New Year Resolutions


Mark 9:2-92 1 Kings 2:1-12 I think youth groups like 4-H, Boy Scouts, FFA and Girl Scouts are really fantastic. I had an extension agent who took myself and a few other teens one year and she worked with us to learn public speaking. Some of the things she spoke about, and taught us, I … Continue reading Transfigured