Tag: humanity

Evil for Evil – August 30th 2020

August 30th, 2020 See the below sermon here. YOUNGER SAINTS Enemy Pie book https://youtu.be/x2FoGf__Fx0 Did the Enemy Pie work?Is Jeremy still an enemy?The Bible had a recipe for Enemy Pie too. I think it's the same recipe. When we turn our enemies into friends with kindness, we don't have enemies anymore. Conquer evil with good, not more … Continue reading Evil for Evil – August 30th 2020

Trinity Sunday: God in Relationship, 2020

See this sermon here. June 6th 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS - Be back here next week for services. Some Baltimore Area churches are beginning to open and I’ve been talking with them about how it is going. Right now, they’re asking anyone who is elderly, sick, or at risk to not attend. Which is like… most of … Continue reading Trinity Sunday: God in Relationship, 2020

Call to Worship: Christ in All

Based on Colossians 3:10-11 One: There is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised. Many: There is no longer a separation between Christian and un-Christian; saved and unsaved. One: There is no longer barbarian, Scythian, slave, and free. Many: There is no longer citizen and foreigner, legal and illegal people. One: There is but … Continue reading Call to Worship: Christ in All