Tag: history

Sermon: Come and See

Watch or listen to this service here 1 Samuel 3:1-20 and John 1:43-51 Come and See The word of the LORD is rare these days; visions are not widespread. The future of the church seem dim. At this time, there are as more Muslims (4.9%) in Canada than there are United Church members (3.3% of … Continue reading Sermon: Come and See

Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

We light this candle recalling the wisdom, nbwaakaawin, of God. God gives us wisdom in plants and animals; in taught knowledge and experienced knowledge. God invites us to question, to ponder, to learn, to test, to be full of wisdom, nbwaakaawin. Light the candle Call to Worship One: Come all with questions, come all with … Continue reading Messy Church – Halloween – Revelation

Invitation to the Offertory Isaiah 51:1-6

From who were we hewn? Who is our faith ancestors? Thewanderers Abraham and Sarah. The refugees Mary andJoseph. The exiles Adam and Eve. As we sojourn here together,let us commit ourselves to giving and receiving in the name ofGod, in the manner of our faith ancestors, in gratitude that weare placed in each other's lives. … Continue reading Invitation to the Offertory Isaiah 51:1-6

Sermon: “Ask Magdalene” The Call of of Elizabeth Schrader

Listen or watch this service here Scripture: John 11:1-45 The Raising of Lazarus In 2010, a singer-song writer named Elizabeth or Libbie Schrader went to her favorite place to meditate and pray. Her spot is a cemetery in Brooklyn, dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. At the time, Libbie was a lapsed Episcopalian Christian, … Continue reading Sermon: “Ask Magdalene” The Call of of Elizabeth Schrader

Ascension – Prayer as Witness

YOUNGER SAINTS See the video here What is prayer like? A bit like… calling God up on the phone. You can talk with God just like you talk with other people! See the sermon below here ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Please do send photos for Pentecost next Sunday! Let’s be red for the Spirit together! 2. Please … Continue reading Ascension – Prayer as Witness