Tag: Free

Love over liberty – Jan 31st 2021

Listen to this service here. ANNOUCEMENTS It is People in Need Sunday. The PIN Fund helps out when the church has requests for assistance that no one plans for. Who plans to run out of gas, run out of groceries, or an emergency medical bill? This is how we help those in our church and … Continue reading Love over liberty – Jan 31st 2021

Reformation Sunday 2020 – The Truth Sets Us Free

Listen to this service hereClick here to jump to sermon REFORMATION SUNDAY GREETINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Food Pantry SundayCommunion Next Sunday & All Saints Sunday. Please give names to Marcia. The UCC will be hosting an online denominational memorial next Sunday evening you can also watch online.Association meeting Saturday 10 to noon on Zoom via your … Continue reading Reformation Sunday 2020 – The Truth Sets Us Free

Call to Worship: 2 Timothy

Based on 2 Timothy 2:8-15 One: The saying is true: If we die with Christ Many: We live with Christ. One: If we endure with Christ Many: We reign with Christ. One: If we deny Christ Many: Christ denies us. One: If we are faithless Many: Christ still remains faithful. One: For Christ cannot deny … Continue reading Call to Worship: 2 Timothy

Made Free

Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 Freedom is never wholly free. There's conditions. Limits. We say we are the Land of the Free in America because we are free FROM things our ancestors were not. Free from kings and queens; free from religious persecution; free to congregate, and so forth. But we're not wholly free because full … Continue reading Made Free