Tag: fair

Shocking Scandal

Jeremiah 1 4:-20 Luke 4:21-30 Epiphany 4C Jesus is... so confrontational today. I'm tempted to paint his village as unkind, but they ARE kind. They welcome Jesus in and speak well of him. They speak with amazement. They've heard he's been doing miracles, and welcome him home. Oh sure, some point out this is just … Continue reading Shocking Scandal


Job 38:1-11  Mark 4:35-41 Overwhelmed. Just... overwhelmed. A country falls when its people are divided against themselves. When we become numb to atrocities. When we tune out, look away, and protect only our own. When we become overwhelmed. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Puerto Rico continues to have no power. People continue to die there. Mining is … Continue reading Overwhelmed!