Tag: Eastertide

Benediction: Holy Mysteries

Let us go out! Let us proclaim the mysteries we have been part of today! From cocoons come butterflies; from bulbs come flowers; from tombs come rebirth; from waters come new life; from God comes endless new, good, surprises! Carry the light of Christ with you and let your light shine as a beacon of … Continue reading Benediction: Holy Mysteries

Easter Call To Worship: Alive!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! God is alive! New birth is given! Hope is alive! A new age is dawning! Joy is alive! Redemption is here! Love is alive! Death cannot harm us! We are alive! New life is within us! The Church is alive! God’s Spirit is within us. Let us celebrate … Continue reading Easter Call To Worship: Alive!

Land Acknowledgement: An Easter People

We are gathered this morning on Mnidoo Mnising – the land where the spirits, the essence of all, gathers.We are gathered this morning on Treaty 94 between the European peoples and the Anishinaabe peoples.We are gathered this morning as an Easter people – promising to love all peoples and creation as for whom God so … Continue reading Land Acknowledgement: An Easter People

Jesus is on the loose!

Revelation 1:4-8 and John 20:19-31 Given to Espanola United Church of Canada, April 24th, 2022 The poor disciples are paralyzed. This morning Mary, and several other woman, told them plainly that Jesus is resurrected. Told them of angels and empty tombs. But they're hiding. From their own neighbors even. Just as Jesus woke Mary up … Continue reading Jesus is on the loose!

Prayer of Confession

Creator, create within us the desire to do good. Holy Parent, nurture our learning how to be an Easter people full of hope, love, and forgiveness. Gentle Shepherd, help us out of the messes we find ourselves in. When we purposefully do wrong – trouble our consciouses. When we accidentally do wrong – give us … Continue reading Prayer of Confession

Mixed Up Inside

See this Video Here See the kid's chat here Announcements This is our offering for the food pantry this week. Did you know 1 in 5 Ohioans have filed for unemployment? And some who haven’t filed are still without income… such as many babysitters. How are we going to get through this crisis? As a … Continue reading Mixed Up Inside