Tag: Dr. Amy Acton

Advent 3: Joy! Dec 13, 2020

Advent 3, 2020, December 13th 2020Listen to this sermon hereJump to sermon hereANNOUNCEMENTS Looking forward to Christmas! No gathering for our Christmas holiday party… so instead, snap some photos of how you’re celebrating Christmas. We’ll celebrate together even if not in person. The Sunday before Christmas – our Advent day of Love! How are your … Continue reading Advent 3: Joy! Dec 13, 2020

Feelings – Covid-19

See the video here https://youtu.be/XYgAqdSCHIo  Where are you today? We’re all at different places. My place? I want to curl up in a ball into bed and lay there. I don’t want to adult anymore or mom anymore. I don’t want to think. Or act. Or do. This is how I am feeling. And it … Continue reading Feelings – Covid-19