Tag: dance

Sermon: Perichoresis: God is Dance

A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – May 26, 2024 – LCUCPC -  Psalm 29, John 3: 1-17  “ Perichoresis: God is Dance” Travel with me! It is 1550. Poland, Lithuanian, or Transylvania. Here we are in a tavern. Luca over there in the corner is a new arrival from Italy. He is three drinks … Continue reading Sermon: Perichoresis: God is Dance

Offering: Trinity Relationship

God is relationship. We are invited into this relationship. Givingto one another. Receiving from one another. Receiving fromGod. Giving to God. Love is relationships. God is love. Out oflove, out of gratitude, out of joy of being a part of this marvelousdance of God, let us renew our commitments to give generouslyand to receive graciously! … Continue reading Offering: Trinity Relationship

Context Matters: A Feminist Reading of Michal and Herodias

Listen or watch this service here Salome - The Prophet's Head - By Arello (Salome is said by some traditions to be the name of Herodias' daughter.) A Sermon – Rev. Whitney Bruno – for LCUCPC – July 11, 2021 – 2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12B – 23; Mark 6: 14 - 29 Herod's daughter … Continue reading Context Matters: A Feminist Reading of Michal and Herodias

Call to Worship: Song and Dance

Call to Worship:     Based on Psalm 100 and 149:1-6aPraise the Lord!Sing to God a new song! Let praise be among the faithful of God!Let us be glad in our Creator.Let the children of God rejoice in their Holy Monarch.Let us praise God's name with dancingMaking melody to him with tambourines and strings!For God takes pleasure … Continue reading Call to Worship: Song and Dance