Tag: advent 4B

Advent 4: Love! 2020

Advent 4, 2020, December 20th 2020Listen to this sermon here.ANNOUNCEMENTS- Looking forward to Christmas!- Blue Christmas – I don’t know about you, but this year I really need a Blue Christmas service. So watch for this devotional between Advent Four and Christmas Eve.- We will have a Christmas Eve Candle-lighting Service live on Facebook at … Continue reading Advent 4: Love! 2020

Do Not Fear

2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Luke 1:26-38 Do not be afraid. This is a strange greeting, isn’t it? Yet this is how Gabriel, in the Gospel of Luke, says hello to Mary and Zechariah both. Do not be afraid – this is the greeting the Angels give the shepherds. “Each word of assurance offered by the … Continue reading Do Not Fear