Tag: 2020

Guided by Love – Epiphany – Jan 3, 2021 – St. Michael’s United Church of Christ

Listen or watch this service here Epiphany Jan 3rd 2021 ANNOUNCEMENTS- Communion is today! Please join in with the daily food and drink you have at hand. - Thank you for remembering to continue to tithe. This is being sure our pipes don’t freeze in winter by keeping the heat minimum, and letting the church … Continue reading Guided by Love – Epiphany – Jan 3, 2021 – St. Michael’s United Church of Christ

Advent 3: Joy! Dec 13, 2020

Advent 3, 2020, December 13th 2020Listen to this sermon hereJump to sermon hereANNOUNCEMENTS Looking forward to Christmas! No gathering for our Christmas holiday party… so instead, snap some photos of how you’re celebrating Christmas. We’ll celebrate together even if not in person. The Sunday before Christmas – our Advent day of Love! How are your … Continue reading Advent 3: Joy! Dec 13, 2020

Advent Two: Love. December 6th 2020

Listen to this service here Advent 2, 2020December 6th 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS COVID-19 cases are still very high. So we are continuing to be online through January. This means our January congregational meeting is postponed to at least February.It is Communion Sunday. Please join in when you watch or read this with your everyday bread and … Continue reading Advent Two: Love. December 6th 2020

Father’s Day / Finding Strength in Change

What we experience, what we fear, what keeps us up at night... God knows. And cares about.