Tag: treaty

Land Acknowledgement for Thanksgiving

This is specific to where service is being held. Please revise to your treaty or unceded land. Revise to your traditional languages. Little Current speaks English, French, and Ojibwe. This is part of a series of learning an Ojibwe word each service. Thankfulness– miigwetchiwendan -- Today we speak of miigwetchiwendan. Today we gather on land called Waebijewung, … Continue reading Land Acknowledgement for Thanksgiving

Candle Lighting: Failures & Restoration

Christ promises, out of failed treaty promises, and racism, out of broken pasts and oppressed presents we can rise again. We light this candle as a symbol of Christ in our midst here on this land. We light it remembering the Way of Christ is the way of peace, justice, and restoration. Light the candle

Land Acknowledgement: We Are All Treaty People

We gather on Treaty 61, between the European peoples and the Anishinaabeg peoples. We gather in the promise that new beginnings and right relations are possible. We remember yesterday – and the horrors that were committed against First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. We acknowledge these horrors have a lasting effect and racism is still … Continue reading Land Acknowledgement: We Are All Treaty People